Error Codes
If you receive numbered errors upon making calls to the Berps protocol, you can use the reference below to decipher the error.
Signature | Error Name | Error Description |
0x5863f789 | WrongParams | The input parameters are incorrect or invalid. |
0x82b42900 | Unauthorized | The caller is not authorized to perform the action. |
0x39c733d8 | InvalidExpo | The Pyth price has an invalid exponent value. |
0xe7cd821c | InvalidConfidence | The Pyth price confidence interval is wider than the desired threshold. |
0x9f9fb434 | Done | The contract is in a "done" state and no further interactions are allowed. |
0x9e87fac8 | Paused | The contract is paused and certain actions are not allowed. |
0xa3b36525 | NoTrade | The specified trade does not exist. |
0xe6803dc4 | NoLimit | The specified limit order does not exist. |
0x3577cd46 | WrongLimitPrice | The provided limit price is incorrect or invalid. |
0x7f527065 | WrongTp | The provided take profit price is incorrect or invalid. |
0x62dd5ee3 | WrongSl | The provided stop loss price is incorrect or invalid. |
0x506bf1a8 | InTimeout | The action is performed within a timeout period. |
0xfb30d03a | PriceImpactTooHigh | The price impact of a trade is higher than the allowed threshold. |
0xa1c00d42 | PairNotListed | The specified trading pair is not listed. |
0xa38355c0 | MaxTradesPerPair | The maximum number of trades per pair is exceeded. |
0xb4503281 | AboveMaxPos | The position size is above the maximum allowed limit. |
0x7061e4f8 | AboveMaxGroupCollateral | The collateral amount is above the maximum allowed limit for a group. |
0x7061fe95 | LeverageIncorrect | The provided leverage is incorrect or invalid. |
0x8d5543b1 | BelowMinPos | The position size is below the minimum allowed limit. |
0x742087f6 | PriceNotHit | The target price is not hit for a limit order. |
0x8199f5f3 | SlippageExceeded | The slippage tolerance is exceeded for a trade. |
0x40305e8d | TpReached | The take profit price is reached for a trade. |
0xfa0789e0 | SlReached | The stop loss price is reached for a trade. |
0x0c26d69e | PastExposureLimits | The exposure limits are exceeded for a trade. |
0x0b5f6bf0 | MarketClosed | The market is closed and trading is not allowed. |
0xe528e11e | PriceZero | The price is zero, which is an invalid value. |
0x423023f1 | PendingWithdrawal | A withdrawal is already pending for an address. |
0x4e00e1c0 | MoreThanWithdrawAmount | The requested withdrawal amount is more than the available balance. |
0x3786fdd4 | NotEnoughAssets | There are not enough assets available for the operation. |
0xb2ac7c0c | MaxDailyPnL | The maximum daily profit and loss limit is exceeded. |
0x3b8698ab | MaxDeposit | The deposit amount exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
0x3ae3d0cf | MaxWithdraw | The withdrawal amount exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
0xf4d678b8 | InsufficientBalance | The balance is insufficient for the operation. |
0x085de625 | TooEarly | An action is performed too early before the allowed time. |
0x61104228 | InvalidReferrer | The provided referrer address is invalid. |
0x7aabdfe3 | AlreadyReferred | The user has already been referred by someone. |
0x8f6f8611 | ReferralCycle | There is a referral cycle detected, i.e., a user referring themselves. |