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Berps' main Entrypoint contract extends the Delegatable contract. This enables users to delegate calls to another address, enabling the delegate to perform actions on behalf of the original user. This functionality is particularly useful in the context of Berps bots, where trades are executed through smart contracts.


To set a delegate:

function setDelegate(address delegate) external

To remove a delegate:

function removeDelegate() external

To execute a delegated action:

function delegatedAction(
    address trader,
    bytes calldata data
) external payable returns (bytes memory)

Delegation Uses

Bots which act through smart contracts can be designated as delegates for user accounts, allowing bots to perform automated actions, such as executing limit orders, performing liquidations, or managing positions. Scripting trading actions through a smart contract can offer efficiency improvements over making individual calls from an EOA.

Delegation can also be used to enable social trading, whereby one delegate can manage trades for multiple accounts. Even though trades are all performed at the level of individual accounts, delegated calls can leverage can access Berps' multicall functionality to batch trades on behalf of multiple accounts.


The original delegator is recognized as the trader to the Berps protocol, and the delegate is only able to perform actions on their behalf. As an example, $HONEY required for opening trades is taken from the delegator's account, and the delegate (e.g. bot) is unable to withdraw any funds from the delegator's account or from any open positions.