Berps Developer Guides: Close a Trade
This guide walks through the process of programatically closing trades on Berps, using TypeScript and Ethers.js. This article assumes usage on the Berachain V2 Testnet - please adapt contract addresses and providers to your specific environment.
Step 1: Import Dependencies & Define Constants
First, import the necessary dependencies and define constants, including the relevant trading contract address, Pyth endpoint and the price feeds IDs for the relevant assets. Here, ETH/USD
feeds are used.
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { EvmPriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js";
const ENTRYPOINT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0xb3395EeeA7701E0037bBC6Ab52953C6fB0c3326c";
const PYTH_ENDPOINT = "";
const PRICE_ID =
const EntrypointContractABI = ... // See below
Step 2: Set up Providers
Create an instance of an Ethers.js signer and connect to the Berps trading contract and Pyth price provider:
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ETHERS_PROVIDER);
const tradingContract = new ethers.Contract(
const pythConnection = new EvmPriceServiceConnection(PYTH_ENDPOINT);
Step 4: Fetch Price Updates and Execute Transaction
The closeTradeMarket
function requires the index of the trade, which can be obtained through the means described here. We additionally require a signed price update from Pyth to update Berp's internal price oracle.
Pyth requires an update fee for each price update, which is passed in as the value
argument (set at 2 wei currently).
const priceUpdateData = await pythConnection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData([
const tx = await tradingContract.closeTradeMarket(
TRADE_INDEX, // Index of the trade to close
{ value: 2 }
The relevant part of the EntrypointContractABI
containing the closeTradeMarket
function is as follows:
"type": "function",
"name": "closeTradeMarket",
"inputs": [
{ "name": "tradeIndex", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" },
"name": "priceUpdateData",
"type": "bytes[]",
"internalType": "bytes[]"
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "payable"