Berps Developer Guides: Limit Orders
Limit orders are a type of order that allows traders to set a specific price at which they would like to buy or sell an asset. Bots are responsible for executing limit order when the market price reaches the limit price.
Creating a Limit Order
To create a limit order, a trader calls openTrade
on the Entrypoint
contract with the orderType = 1
. A TypeScript example is shown below:
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { EvmPriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js";
const ENTRYPOINT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0xb3395EeeA7701E0037bBC6Ab52953C6fB0c3326c";
const PYTH_ENDPOINT = "";
const PRICE_ID =
const EntrypointContractABI = ... // See below
const pythConnection = new EvmPriceServiceConnection(PYTH_ENDPOINT);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ETHERS_PROVIDER);
const tradingContract = new ethers.Contract(
const priceUpdateData = await pythConnection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData([PRICE_ID, USDC_PRICE_ID])
const limitPrice = ... // The price you would like your trade to execute (10 decimals)
// Prepare the trade parameters
const trade = {
trader: signer.address,
pairIndex: 1, // Corresponds to trading pair (ETH-USD)
index: 0, // Contract will determine
initialPosToken: 0, // Contract will determine
positionSizeHoney: ethers.utils.parseEther('10'),
openPrice: limitPrice,
buy: true,
leverage: 2n,
tp: 0n,
sl: 0n,
const orderType = 1; // 1 for LIMIT
const tx = await tradingContract.openTrade(
0, // 0 slippage for limit orders
{ value: '2' },
Executing a Limit Order
To execute a limit order, a trader calls executeLimitOrder
on the Entrypoint
contract. There are several different types of limit orders, which are defined in the LimitOrder
enum LimitOrder {
TP, // Take profit
SL, // Stop loss
LIQ, // Liquidation
OPEN // Open position
If the conditions have been met for the limit order to execute, the executeLimitOrder
function will execute the order on behalf of the trader. Following is a example of executing the limit order created in the previous section:
const tx = await tradingContract.executeLimitOrder(
TRADE_INDEX, // Index of the trade to execute
{ value: 2 }
Traders and bot operators are incentivized to execute limit orders to collect fees, described in the Fees section.
Trade Index
Every trade and and open limit order has a unique identifier, called the "trade index". Executing a limit order on an open trade requires knowing the index of the trade to execute. That is - take profit, stop loss, and liquidation orders are executed on the same trade index. The price will dictate which type of order is executed.
Presently, the list of trade indexes can be queried by iterating over Orders.getOpenTrades()
, or indexed off-chain by monitoring for the events emitted through opened trades:
(for market orders)Entrypoint.OpenLimitPlaced
(for limit orders)
In the future, an API endpoint to query open trades may be made available.
The relevant part of the EntrypointContractABI
containing the openTrade
and executeLimitOrder
functions is as follows:
"type": "function",
"name": "openTrade",
"inputs": [
"name": "t",
"type": "tuple",
"internalType": "struct IOrders.Trade",
"components": [
{ "name": "trader", "type": "address", "internalType": "address" },
{ "name": "pairIndex", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" },
{ "name": "index", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" },
"name": "initialPosToken",
"type": "uint256",
"internalType": "uint256"
"name": "positionSizeHoney",
"type": "uint256",
"internalType": "uint256"
{ "name": "openPrice", "type": "int64", "internalType": "int64" },
{ "name": "buy", "type": "bool", "internalType": "bool" },
{ "name": "leverage", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" },
{ "name": "tp", "type": "int64", "internalType": "int64" },
{ "name": "sl", "type": "int64", "internalType": "int64" }
"name": "orderType",
"type": "uint8",
"internalType": "enum ISettlement.TradeType"
{ "name": "slippageP", "type": "int64", "internalType": "int64" },
"name": "priceUpdateData",
"type": "bytes[]",
"internalType": "bytes[]"
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "payable"
"type": "function",
"name": "executeLimitOrder",
"inputs": [
{ "name": "index", "type": "uint256", "internalType": "uint256" },
"name": "priceUpdateData",
"type": "bytes[]",
"internalType": "bytes[]"
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "payable"