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Network Configurations ⚙️

If you need to configure either your EVM crypto wallet or RPC provider, here are the steps to get connected to the Berachain network.

Berachain Metamask Setup

For now, the only way to configure Metamask is to add a new network manually with the following details:

Network Name
Berachain Artio
Chain ID
Currency Symbol
Block Explorer URL

Getting Funds To Berachain

Berachain uses the native token $BERA to pay for transactions, including to manage trades on Berps.

If you don't have any other assets on Berachain, there are a number of ways to move them there.

  1. Bridge funds from Ethereum (Coming Soon).

  2. Bridge funds using another service (Coming Soon).

RPC Endpoints

Metamask relies on RPCs for interfacing with the blockchain, whether it's to retrieve data or execute transactions.

Accessing the Berachain network is most straightforward through public RPCs. However, during peak usage periods, transaction fees can escalate, and public RPCs might experience bottlenecks. For users engaging in Berachain Berps with substantial collateral, setting up a personal endpoint could be beneficial. This might reduce the delay in trade execution and offer the flexibility to allocate more gas in times of high network traffic.


Our website employs advanced technology to navigate RPC instability effectively. Rather than relying on Metamask's RPC to display trades, it utilizes a bespoke set of dedicated RPCs, streaming data directly to the user interface. As a result, Metamask's RPC is exclusively utilized for transaction execution. For those utilizing a public RPC, it's recommended to have multiple options configured in Metamask, enabling swift switching should one become less responsive.

More RPC will be adopted, but please use the following in the meantime. As with most EVM JSON-RPCs, this supports all the standard JSON-RPC API Methods
